Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sundays come so quickly

I have started to realize that sunday comes so quickly, I actually think time is physically moving faster. I know its kind of a funny thing to say, but I feel like lately there are not enough hours in a day. I am going to start having some giveaways on my blog along with some featured stores once a week. I would love to be able to share my blog with others. I am trying to buildup my blog so when I do give aways and features there will be a big enough following.
I have found that breaking out into the jewelry business is alot harder than I thought it would be, but lucky for me I am not the type to just give up. I love esty and all the handmade goods you can find on there. It makes it that much easier not to give up. So keep your eyes out for some major changes in my blog, soon you will start seeing some differences. If you haven't yet check out my shop for the major sale I am having for the next two weeks, see if there is something you would like.



  1. Your jewelry is very pretty and your blog is great too! I'm following you!

  2. I think of it as time just being relative. The longer you are alive the shorter a day becomes in relation.
